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Raise Your Expectancy

I've always been told to expect nothing from anyone. Regardless of who it was or what the situation was, an expectation was to never be given because disappointment would be soon to follow. While I find this to be partially true, one thing that is never really talked about is the level of expectation we have in ourselves and in God.

I've seen so many people (and have been a victim myself) create the habit of minimizing a lot of the situations that occur in their lives daily. We have a tendency of beating ourselves up when things don't turn out how we wanted them to, but before the outcome even hit, we were already doubting our abilities and were struggling with our faith.

People may fail you, but God won't. Raise your expectations when it comes to what He can do in your life.

Find the joy in YOUR journey.


"Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring." - Psalm 27:14

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