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Find Your Strength In Others

2014 was a year of immense change. Not only for myself, but for many of the people that I encountered throughout the year as well. Whether it was relocation, job loss or job gain, readjustment to life due to a new marriage or child, or just losing weight, everyone that was placed in my life last year went through something and had trouble dealing with the change.

As I began the year, I was in a place of confusion. I didn't know where I was supposed to go or do within my career or even just my life in general. It was like 2013 brought itself into 2014 and I was still going through the readjustment of a new city and new life, but I couldn't quite grab hold of it like I wanted to.

In January, for my 26th birthday, I was by myself, depressed, miserable, and couldn't find the strength to even be excited for the things that were ahead of me! Every day I woke up, made myself even more miserable by comparing my life to others via social media, and cried. Even when I was having a "good" day, I cried because I wasn't sure what rollercoaster the next day would bring.

I remember getting chosen as a summer intern at one of the top production companies in the city and I still couldn't find the happiness in that blessing. I was a total mess. No matter what I did, I just couldn't find one thing to be happy about at that time in my life. I received notice that my first children’s book that I wrote would be out in the coming months, I was going into production for my first short-film, and so many other blessings were manifesting in my life, but because I was so focused on the one - or two - negative things going on in my life, I couldn't even appreciate all the positives going on around me. The people I shared my news with were more excited than I was, and that's when I realized that I needed a change.

Most of us find that keeping our hardships and negative situations to ourselves is the best way to go because no one wants to let people know where they are hurting. While I believe that you do have to watch who you tell your situations to, I also believe that it's very important to share your testimony to those around you. I say this because you never know whom you could help by just letting them know how you overcame your situation. Or, even more, what if they are in the position to give you advice on how they overcame their own situation similar to yours?

I used to believe that there was no way to help someone if you're going through the same thing at the same time, but I've learned that it's possible to find your strength in the most unexpected situations. To be able to put your own tears and issues to the side to help someone wipe and solve theirs, displays more strength than you can ever know. And, for the person who asks for help, that's a display of the strength they possess as well. It's not easy to open up to someone about what you struggle with, but to be able to do so is truly a testament of strength and knowledge to know that you're not able to do it alone.

It's so simple to get caught up in our own thoughts and we begin to assume that we have to do everything alone. That's not how life is supposed to be nor is it the way that God wants us to look at it. Everyone needs someone - no matter who you are. You'd be surprised to find out what people go through, so it's important that you don't keep your testimony to yourself. Trust me, someone could be waiting to hear how you maneuvered your way through the wilderness you were previously in to see the light.

Even if you're a very private person (like myself), your testimony is the one that someone else just might need to hear to get through his or her day. No matter if you’re still going through your storm or coming out of your wilderness, I encourage you to lift someone else up even if you feel like you can't lift yourself. That encouragement you give them just might be the first step to repairing your own situation.

Find the joy in your journey.


"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." - Mark 12:30 (NIV)

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