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How a Spring Break Trip to Belize Challenged Me to Think of Others

Back in 2009 (when I was a young vibrant thing), a dear friend of mine and I decided that it would be a perfect time to end our typical college student woes by taking a vacation during Spring Break. Since she was living in Gainesville attending the University of Florida and I was in Orlando attending the GREAT University of Central Florida, having a friendship trip to some place other than the typical local destinations was definitely on our radar.

After doing a little research, we came across this awesomely priced cruise that docked from Miami, Florida and went to both Mexico and Belize! i can’t remember if she had been to Mexico, but I know the only place I had been at this point was to Jamaica and back, so I was totally sold. To make the situation even better, another one of our friends and her best friend informed us that she would be on the same cruise - score! While I won’t bore you with the specifics of our preparation for the trip or drive to the dock, I will tell you that it was a typical girl’s road trip that was inclusive of turning up in all the right ways.

Fast forward to the purpose of this entry today. When I first went into this trip, never did I imagine that I would get more than what I bargained for in a way that was never intended. Originally, this trip was reserved for blacked out nights, events to never be spoken of again, and overall relaxation and disconnection from reality. Although I got all of the aforementioned (don’t crucify me for the blacked out nights, I was a little bit of a hoodrat), i was also introduced into what it felt like to truly start thinking of others. Now, of course, I’ve done things that didn’t only have me in mind before - I mean, helloooooo, I do have siblings and a pulse. This, however, was something different.

When we got to Belize, we started off with a tour before zip-lining throughout the jungle and enjoying a nice traditional meal. That tour, my friends, is where it all changed for me…

As we were on the bus getting a tour of the city, I turned my camera to a little boy standing outside with a backpack. As I snapped the random shot, the tour guide went on to give an explanation of the children struggling in Belieze. “Children here don’t have an education past the 4th grade. Any thing after that, they have to pay for, and since most people are very poor, not many are educated. You should be very thankful that you have what you have,” he told me. Everyone on the bus heard what he said, but I’m not too sure how many it stuck with. What I do know though, is that small statement changed my life in ways that I honestly can’t explain.

(Ignore the picture dates. My camera was a year behind, lol)

That trip to Belize - even though it seemed like a routine tour guide making his statement - sparked something in me that I’ve never felt before. From then on out, when I traveled to places that were unlike my own, I asked questions. I began developing mental notes of what people had, what they didn’t have, and began thinking of things/ways to help improve their situation.

Sidetone: One thing I pride myself on, but also notice as one of my weaknesses, is that I want to help everybody. I know that’s not physically possible, but in my mind, every little bit counts.

Move forward a few years. I remember taking a trip to Jamaica in 2012 to visit family and sitting at the bar talking to the bartender. He told me that he walks 10 miles to work every day and makes less than $2/hr for working there. Sounds insane, right? To us, yes, but to him it was the best of the best because - in his words - “at least I get to meet new people and work at this great place.” I was taken aback at how happy people who are in those conditions could be. The funny thing is, I remember complaining right before I left the States about working a job that I didn’t like and the pay being too low (I was making close to $20/hr at about 23 years old). I was kindly reminded how even though their conditions are not the best, these people were so appreciative of what they have because they decided to be. From serving in church to praying for people who where in need, God has done some amazing things (excuse my ego and love of God’s outstanding power) through little ol’ me. The (almost) 3 years since my arrival into Atlanta have been an intricate part of my journey and ambition to assist or improve (whichever verbiage you’d like to choose) those around me. I’ve prayed relentlessly for God to move me to the next step of being able to do that and this year, He finally answered.

After much prayer and a one-time meeting, I was chosen to be apart of my church’s upcoming missionary trip to the Philippines! While I’m extremely nervous about going in a few months, I’m overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness that He chose me to impact those in need. God’s divine arrangement and ordainment is unquestionable and incomparable because I can honestly say that had I not taken that trip to Belize in 2009 (because I definitely had my doubts), my ambition to travel as a missionary and do for others in a heightened manner would be non-existent.

I’m sure many will argue that I would have gotten to this point some day, but one thing we have to remember is that everything has an expiration date. With that in mind, I’m so thankful that I didn’t miss my opportunity.

I know this is something like a lengthy read, but tonight, I felt like writing and I wanted to share this story with all who feel like they’re currently missing something in life. I was there in 2009, 2012 and I’m still there in 2016 (lol). However, I feel full knowing that letting God use me in this manner was apart of the plan.

If you’re interested in staying updated on my trip to the Philippines, be sure to follow our blog. I’ll also be updating my tumblr (wi-fi permitted) throughout the time there as well. I ask that you all keep me in prayer for being mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared for this trip and that I’m able to reach my financial goal by its due date.

I hope that this small testimony serves as a way to keep you all encouraged to continue doing what feels right and what’s best not only for yourself, but to those that you come in contact with. Never grow tired of doing good works!

“No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.” - 1 John 4:12


*If interested in donating to my financial goal, you can donate here.*

#prayer#belize#mission trip#philippines#jamaica#2016#grow#expose your queen#think of others#love#1 John#God

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