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You hit me hard when the year was fresh. Never would I have imagined that I wouldn't have been able to give you my absolute best. Even with all of that negativity in mind, You loved me fully and encouraged me to stay on my grind. You arrived in my life at just the right time, And gave me a feeling I wasn't able to previously find. With each new day brought a brand new blessing, And throughout the year, I was taught very valuable lessons. You hit me hard as the weather turned cold. Never would I have imagined that it would be my heart that you stole. You taught me that my happiness was the key to success And that through loving myself, would I then be able to give everyone else my best. Amid all of your greatness, you let me down too. You made me question who I was and if I was even relevant to you. With each new day brought a brand new trial And throughout this year, I was left with a few frowns instead of smiles. You hit me hard with a new perspective on life; A new way of thinking that kept me up many nights. You sparked my creativity and opened my mind; You had me willing to cross many blurred lines. I didn't give you all that you deserved, But you made sure to give me everything you had for me that was on reserve. I owe you more than you'll ever know, But as life should have it, it's time for you to go. Today marks a new beginning where 27 ended, And I'm sure you and 28 are somewhat kindred spirits. Thank you for the smiles, thank you for the tears Thank you for revealing to me what I've secretly known all of these years. 27, you did some amazing things for me And I'm happy to say that I'm so glad we could meet. But before you go on your way, I have to ask that you relay a message for me to the big 2-8. "Reveal in me what 27 and its predecessors couldn't. I'm ready to feel, see, and indulge in everything they said I wouldn't." #ExposeYourQueen #HappyNewYear #28

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