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The Tabebuia Tree

For the past (almost) 20 years, I've seen this tree sit in the front yard of my parents house. I never thought anything about it nor did I appreciate its vibrant, and life-giving colors...until now. The Tabebuia tree's petals only last for about 3 weeks and then afterwards, its branches are empty until next year's spring season (sometimes sooner). I got the pleasure to see it as it is in this picture and then with little to no petals the following day. What this tree taught me was that there's always a new way to appreciate something old. Being that I've seen this tree for so long, I became so used to it that I didn't realize how much it meant to me. It also taught me - through seeing that tree both at its worst and at its best - to never get so caught up in wanting the beautiful ending that you forget to appreciate the growth of your situation. So, whoever you are - wherever you are - know that life is only as beautiful as you let God show you it can be. Celebrate the small victories because it's only through them that you'll be able to truly appreciate the bigger ones.

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