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The Perfect Life

I'm not perfect, but I dream to be. I don't always live like Christ, but at my worst is when everyone learns from me. You may not understand, but know my intentions are pure. My path in life is always changing because I've learned that with every step, you can never be sure. I often struggle with taking on more than I can handle, But I always thank God because His choosing of me wasn't at random. Truth about it all is I'm not always the best at being a friend. But for those I love, my heart I'll always send. I'm very indecisive when it comes to most things. But when I finally make my mind up, closure in many areas is what it usually brings. I'm forever in debt to anyone whose ever had patience with me. Because I know I'm not the easiest to deal with, but your effort, I always see. I'm not perfect, but I dream to be. The thought of not succeeding often haunts me. I have a bad habit of seeing the beauty in even the darkest dreams, But sometimes creating a dream makes you realize that things might not be as bad as they seem. Everything about my life is very complex But I've learned that it's one of the ways that God works best. One thing I've learned is that there is never a mistake made Because every single moment in life is already ordained. While everything about me may not be great, I'm confident in knowing that God didn't short me on my birth date. I'm not perfect, and I stopped dreaming to be. Living a life of perfection is no longer the vision for me. I don't know where the next hour, day, week, month, or year will go, But I'm clear in knowing that my life is already perfect because I'll never settle for anything that doesn't help me grow.

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