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A Ghoulish Walk Through The Netherworld

Hey, there ghouls and gals!

If there's one thing I love more than the fall season itself, it's the month of October. Between the cool air flowing in, the sun setting a little earlier, and *clears throat* Halloweennnnn, October has the ability to take me back to my childhood and remind me of some of the greatest moments I've ever had in life.

Though I haven't dressed up for Halloween in many, many years, I still find myself planted directly in front of the TV as often as I can to catch my annual viewing of every Halloween movie I can come across. As an additive to this year's watching of creepy clips, I was invited to check out Atlanta's own Netherworld Haunted House during media week. If you're not too familiar with Netherworld, it's the #1 haunted house in America, and I've been dying to go for what seems like forever. And, just as my luck would have it, the ghastly stars aligned and I was able to show up for a frightfully good night!

Now, clearly I can't tell you about everything that happens while inside the the house, but just know that it isn't for the faint at heart. In other words, the Netherworld is nothing to play with. So, if you're a lover of scary things, you'll need to make your way on down to the event before the month of October is up. However, if you're just interested in "trying your luck," make sure you're prepared to scream more than you'd probably like.

Since this was my first year, I really didn't know what to expect, but according to the press release I got in my inbox prior to coming, there was an extra haunted house added this year that was supposed to be the scariest of them yet. Celebrating the 20th anniversary, the Netherworld haunted house was joined by the Vault 13 Meltdown. Of course, you have to know that this is the one I went in first because I would rather just get the "scariest" out of the way instead of saving it for last. Little did I know though, that haunted house was really scary!

Now, since I grew up in Orlando, Florida, I thought I had experienced scary because I've been to Halloween Horror Nights a few times. While that has definitely had it's terrifying years, I can say that the Netherworld has held up to its claim of being the top haunted house experience. Again, I can't tell you what was inside of each house, but I can reveal to you that when I was in the Vault 13 Meltdown, I really felt like I was in a scary movie. Can't even lie, I saw my life flash before my eyes a few times while I was in there! And, to make it worse, I came out of there with my edges sweated out! Thank goodness for hats because honey, when I tell you it would have been trouble!

After I (barely) made it through the Vault 13 Meltdown, I went ahead and tackled the original Netherworld Haunted House. Although this is the one that everyone always talks about being scary, I can honestly say it wasn't that bad. That, however, could possibly be because I wasted all of my energy and screams in the house before, but we'll never know the real case. In addition to the two house, there was also a puzzle room on site where you were given three minutes to find the clues that would let you out of the room. Those three minutes were probably the longest three of my life and I still didn't get out on time. I definitely underestimated the difficulty of that room!

To add on to all of that ghastly greatness, there were plenty of monsters and mischievous characters running around willing to scare you, sing with you (yes, one ghoul sang "The Next Episode" by Dr. Dre with me), make you laugh, and even jump on Snapchat to introduce themselves to your followers!

Overall, I can truly say that I had a ghoulishly good time and would recommend anyone who's looking to get in the Halloween spirit to go! It was a great way to be welcomed back in Atlanta after spending time in Albuquerque working.

So, if you're in the Atlanta area and are looking to join the monster mash, head out to the Netherworld Haunted House for a eerie night of fun! Trust me, it'll be well worth the time!

Until the next nightmare!

With Creative (and Haunted) Thoughts,


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