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The Ultimate Saturday Morning Playlist

The weekend is here and if you're old school like me, that means your Saturday morning will be filled with three things: cleaning, a good home cooked breakfast, and throwback tunes that fill every room of your home. I know not everyone spent their weekends the way I did growing up, but if I'm being honest, it's one of my favorite past times. Of course, every Saturday of my youth wasn't filled with cleaning the house from top to bottom and I really didn't appreciate it as much back then, but when I reflect on those mornings, I can't help but smile. Though the cleaning wasn't that fun, nothing compared to the feeling of seeing my mom pull out her record player and seeing her shuffle through her crates of albums just to put on my favorite George Michael album.

Although I don't have my mom's extensive record collection at my disposal as often as I did when I was younger, the good people over at Spotify have pretty much made it easy for me to access almost every song that she had in her lineup (and more) without even needing the vinyls. I was really surprised when I saw how many of the old (and random) songs they had in their database and even got a little excited when I found them. So, to celebrate my nostalgic findings, I created the ultimate Saturday morning playlist to have when I'm feeling the need to clean or just want to reminisce. And, what's even better about this playlist is I had my mom help me put it together because she's probably one of the only people I trust more than myself when it comes to music.

So, whether you have plans to hang out around the house tomorrow morning, do some deep cleaning, or need a new playlist for your upcoming road trip, here's to you. And, even if you don't know half of the songs on this playlist, hopefully you'll end up loving them as much as I do.

Listen to the playlist via Spotify below and be sure to follow it because I'll be continuously adding to it!

Don't see a song you know or did I put one of your favorites on the list? Tell me in the comments or tweet me using the #UltimateSaturdayMorningPlaylist hashtag. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter so that you can get more playlists soon!

Until next time, friends!

With Creative (and Musical) Thoughts,


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